Working to Provide

Dad's take on a lot of responsibility in providing for their family. With each family circumstance it is different but the majority of families have a father who works to provide for the family. Growing up that is what we were taught, the dad goes to work while the mom stays at home with the kids and cleans the house but what we are also taught is that in this world it is impossible to live off of one income and that to provide for a family, both parents need to work to help provide for their family.   Image result for dads working  
At what point do you need to start having a double income to help provide for the family? In my family, my mom started working when I was in 7th grade due to my dad getting laid off from his job. Since then my family has adjusted to having both parents work and in a lot of family situations this is the case. When both parents are working it helps bring in that little bit of extra cash to pay for needs of the family. How has both parents affected your family situation? 

Teaching children the value of work is something that most parents strive to do and so that is why chores are given. But teaching your children to work by working side by side with them is when they really learn the absolute most. By watching their parents who are working hard, the children can learn how important it is to work and they will learn even more than watching them go to work every single day. 
Image result for fathers working outdoorsBeing an example to children is important but being with them to help them learn is something that they need even more than an example. That is something that I am extremely grateful with my childhood. Having my dad wake us children up early on his days off during summer break to go out and do yard work are some days that I will always remember and the lessons that he taught me in those moments.

One day during summer break, it was my dad and I at the house and we had a huge project that we decided to do together. He had ordered a few pallets of sod that we had to lay down in my backyard. Now by a few pallets I mean only 2-3 but on each pallet there were probably 40-50 pieces of sod that weighed up to 25 pounds each. That day is a day that I will never forget! I got to spend the entire day working side by side with my dad and got to learn a lot about how strong I can be in the things that I am asked to do. Working with my dad that day helped me love working outside and making our yard beautiful. I learned to work hard that day and have never once forgot that value. It has helped me in every day life more than I can explain.


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