Family Relations

I have begun a new semester at BYU-Idaho this last week and I am so excited to learn so many new things! I am a part of a family relations class and my professor has asked us to create an online journal/blog so here I am creating a new blog :) The last time I had a blog was to keep my mission emails on so creating this one has been bringing back old memories.

The semester is in session until December 15, 2017 and although I love being in school, I am not excited for winter to come back. Don't get me wrong I love the snow but walking to class in the snow is not my favorite. It also means that another year is getting close to finishing! It is crazy how fast time really goes. This semester I am taking 5 credits which isn't a lot but I am a poor college student and at the moment that is all I can afford :( but the two classes that I am taking this semester are Preparation for Marriage and Family Relations. I love both my classes so far and am excited to keep learning new things that will help me greatly in the future!

My expectations for this semester are very slim. Since I am only taking 5 credits, I will have plenty of time to finish all of my homework without procrastinating anything. I am the Relief Society President for my YSA ward this semester and that is going to be such a fun experience! I am excited to get to know the girls of my ward better and serve them :) and I am also working part time! I am hoping that as I work more during the semester I will be able to raise enough money for me to take more credits. I know that as I work hard through the semester in my assignments, my calling, and work then this semester will be a great one.

This blog is to be able to share my thoughts and insights from my family relations class so I will be sharing stuff on here in relation to that class and hopefully enlighten readers :) I am excited to share what I learn because of how the family is being attacked in our world today. Family and marriage are being redefined by people and by the government. My generation is going to be the ones that deal fully with this issue and we have to learn how to stand up for what we know to be right. So as this semester continues on, I am excited to share more on the great insights about family that I am learning about! :)


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