Theories of families

In each and every one of our family, there are such different theories that can create different situations. These can happen even if we are single, married, with our parents still or whatever your situation may be. There are four different theories that can influence the way that our situations run and operate. These theories are conflict theory, symbolic theory, exchange theory, and systems theory. These theories offer stability and structure to the family. In my own family, we have certain ways that we operate and function as a family. This is just how we have been and how we always will be most likely. Here are two of the theories;

The first theory is Conflict Theory which can be seen in any family situation. This theory can easily be explained as someone searching for power over another in a family. For example, a sibling trying to over-power a parent can result in some conflict. This can be triggered by wanting to be in control of a certain situation that they just aren't able to control. No family is immune to conflict and it can happen to any family! Different mixes of different personalities can lead to some conflict as well. In an apartment living with those that you have just met for the first time ever can cause some conflict because you are getting adjusted to the way that they operate too. Here at BYU-Idaho this can happen with roommates and having a variety of differences that you just have to get adjusted to throughout a semester.
The second theory is Symbolic Interaction. This theory can most likely happen anywhere but in a family setting can be seen as every action is symbolic to something that can influence interaction with people. This can easily lead to misunderstandings in conversation causing contention between friends, spouses, siblings, peers, etc. In my textbook it says the following, "An important concept in symbolic interaction is definition of the interaction. According to this concept, when we define a situation as real, it has real consequences." Each action that is made is symbolic to something important and can influence people to do something that benefits the other. 

Those are just two explanations of the theories that I feel are most important. Each of the theories are important and if you would like to learn more about them feel free to look at any of the other blogs that I have linked to my own blog, or comment below and I will give a description of the other two :)


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