Trends in the Family

In the world today there are many trends that are occurring in the family. These trends are causing many traditions to disappear which is changing the way the whole world views family. These trends have begun to tear apart families or even cause families not to form in the traditional way they used to. These trends seem to be things that have always been around throughout the years but as of lately they are making a huge appearance.
Each of the trends are very important to know because they could be happening to you but you don't even realize it so here they are. 

1) Pre-marital Sex
2) Birth's to unmarried women
3) Living alone
4) Cohabitation 
5) Delayed Marriage
6) Extended families not living together
7) Fewer children
8) Household sizes
9) Divorce
10) Employed mothers of children younger than 6

Now, in my own opinion, each of these trends are different in their own way. Lets say someone has pre-marital sex but is living alone, this can lead to cohabitation which also will lead to delayed marriage. Each trend can be interrelated or can cause other trends to occur in a relationship which has continued. These trends continue to change the structure of the family which has been around since the creation of the Earth.
Cohabitation is continuing to rise. 60% - 80% of couples cohabit before getting married and those that cohabit are 3x more likely to divorce. Divorce rates are not nearly as high as people would assume and this in fact surprised me to see how low they actually were, but 25% of people get a divorce while 75% stay married throughout their entire lifetime. There are many things that continue to turn around that used to be traditional but hopefully as those in this generation can help change that.


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