Gender Roles

Society is changing the definitions of male and female and making certain things okay for female but not okay for male. We constantly are doing this even though we may not realize it. What do you do if you see a little boy playing with a doll? What do you do if a little girl is playing with a toy truck?  Normally, we would push for the little boy to play with something other than a doll because that makes him girly but when we see a little girl playing with a toy truck we encourage her to keep playing. Yes, we should want each to play with certain toys that way it fits best with their gender but we should never criticize or label children by what toy they play with. Image result for children playing Gender is a huge controversial topic in the world right now and as I write this post I truly hope that what I say doesn't offend anyone because it is not meant to offend. Gender in today's world has changed drastically from just a few years ago. Gender is now something that can be changed or modified depending on you. So what does it even mean to be Male or Female? Has society changed our way of thinking what our specific gender is to fit the current trend? Can you change from being gay back to straight? All of these questions are major topics in our world and it brings up a lot of discussion especially recently with the gay/lesbian marriage law passing congress. So what does it truly mean to be a female or a male?

Children don't have an understanding of gender until they are old enough to understand. Which means they are just enjoying the toy that they have and it doesn't mean anything. Little boys and little girls are both born with certain attitudes that are unique to them and normally there are certain attitudes that are unique to the specific gender. Little girls are generally more expressive or passive in their play with their peers while little boys are more aggressive. Little boys would rather play Cowboys and Indians while little girls love playing house. Anything rough and tumble or competitive where they can prove that they are the best is also something unique to little boys. Little girls are generally more cooperative and social in their play time. 

Each gender has socially been given specific roles. Females are generally nurtures and Males are generally the providers. In the 70's and 80's, that was the typical family but in 2017 consists of different family structures. Since females have been socially been given the role of nurturer it is looked down upon for males to be nurturing. Is it so bad if males are nurturing and desire to raise and take care of a family? In our society gender roles have increasingly changed or been altered and in this world today the only way to change gender roles is to do it by example.


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