What is your family culture?

So many families have these great traditions and rituals each at different times of the year and different seasons. Each of these traditions are unique to each family unit which helps create our own family culture. Have you ever thought about what your family culture is? What makes your family so unique? I know I have never thought about it or considered the little things that made my family the way we were.

Each family is unique in doing things a certain way or creating traditions that are special to that family. The traditions that each family does influence how that family operates. The traditions at Christmas time, the ones for Easter, what we do over the weekend, how we celebrate birthdays, etc. But what makes our families culture? It doesn't necessarily have anything with how we celebrate different times of the year but one thing that does have an impact on our families culture can be our socioeconomic status and class. Our socioeconomic status is influenced on appearance, education, vocation, language, and family structure. Although we claim that we don't separate by class, we do. We associate with those who have similar situations as us and same financial situations. 

Socioeconomic status means where a person stands economically and socially in comparison to others. So although we don't mean to separate by class or family structure we do. People buy expensive clothes, fancy cars, and own big houses so that they fit into a certain class. Then there are others who really struggle to make ends meet and do everything they can to support their family. These different family cultures are what influence each and every family. These different cultures help make our society so unique and different. So what is your family culture or your family traditions? What makes your family unique?


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